Title: Bunny’s Book Club
Author: Annie Silvestro
Illustrator: Tatjana Mae-Wyss
Reviewer: Bookstore Bunny Meatball
As a bunny who loves to sit around, I adored this book from the very start, as it begins with a curious bunny who listens to storytime with children outside the library in the summer. But then the weather gets cold and the curious bunny becomes lost without the magic of stories. Discovering the library locked at night, this clever bunny manages a way in through the book return slot! I am known for my secret ninja skills, so I loved this bit of action on the part of the adventurous main character. Nothing will keep this bunny from books! Soon other woodland friends join in and all sneak into the library fora night filled with the magic of books. The illustrations fit the scenes perfectly with crisp colors paired with the softness of watercolor. I felt like I knew each different creature in this story as they banded together in this bookish adventure. Each page brought something fun and the story moved along perfectly. Until they are caught by the librarian. I don’t want to spoil the ending but this is one book club no human or bunny should miss.