Welcome to Scattered Books “Book Banter”

Check out our recorded author talks of adult and kids books, read our book summaries for school assignments or tune into story time with your younger ones.  The bookstore bunnies provide their own descriptions of kids books and eclectic interviews with authors. Bookstore Comedy is our latest addition in our efforts to create a reality show for the store. We hope you enjoy the presentations and varied content. Please let us know what other books/products you feel are banter-worthy at info@scatteredbooks.com. Spoiler alert: summer reading book summaries are often discussed in detail that give away the ending and/or key plot/character developments. Also, bookstore comedy is intended for an adult audience only. Please click on a link below:

Scattered Story Time. The author or scattered staff read kids picture and chapter books aloud. Listen to lots of titles!

Literally Speaking. Conversations with great authors plus recorded presentations.

Bookstore Bunny Book Review. Our very own bookstore bunnies describe books and make recommendations.

Kids Book Summaries. Thoughtful and inclusive summaries of books commonly read for school.

Bookstore Comedy. Bunny interviews plus our very own segments of the Scattered Books Sitcom. Intended for an adult audience.


Check out our Scattered Story Time for the little ones!